The Voice of Experience
Welcome to 2022 and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!
We are thrilled to be back and excited at the thought of what 2022 holds in store for us all. Let’s face it, surely we can’t have any more bushfires, floods or pandemics… can we? What we do know is if these devastating events occur again that we can withstand anything that comes our way and together we continue to find new, improved and creative solutions for patients.
After 40 years, the original TEP technique and valved silicone prosthesis method developed by Mark I. Singer, M.D. and Eric D Blom, Ph.D. remains largely unchanged. In fact, it is still recognised throughout the world as the leading standard for voice restoration following total laryngectomy – as many studies in prestigious medical journals have confirmed. The Blom-Singer voice restoration products have benefitted thousands of patients worldwide. As their exclusive distributor for the past 25 years, we are proud to bring you the most extensive selection of styles and sizes in the industry. Having taken the time to understand patient needs, the following options are now available as standard options so we really do have a solution for all patients.
Need to manage leakage around the voice prosthesis?

Is peripheral and central leakage an issue?
It may be pressure?